The November Transition of Letting Go


During this first 21 days of November, as Mars (action and energy) merges with Pluto (wisdom, death, regeneration, transformation & rebirth) many may feel like they’re picking themselves up from a rough October that was filled  with heavy Eclipse (revisiting past issues) and Retrograde (slow down to take an extra look at the energy you’re bringing to the table) energy cramming obstacles, road blocks and emotional turmoil up through it’s very last day.

Now we are stepping into a time of releasing and being challenged to let go. Freedom! Releasing disappointment over the world events and gearing up for solutions and how to help. Releasing disappointment’s within our own lives. Learning to help ourselves on greater levels while collectively discovering what needs to be let go, what needs to change, and how we can help ourselves, others, the world.

Letting go what no longer works, what holds us back, what was never ours to begin with. Has stubbornness or denial held you hostage with something you should let go? Have old behaviors, beliefs or attitudes kept you from your developing your true and deep inner calm and awakening or achieving the
life and goals your heart so richly deserves?

Allow your energy to rise above old fears, old anger, and old worn out beliefs. Embrace learning, discovering, and transition into the new. November unfolds with opportunity of refining and defining an all new you, wrapped with love perfected with the strength of an inner light you may not even know you had and supported by the divine energy of the Universe.

It will take practice. It will take patience. It will also take learning to believe in the YOU that can be and exist without the baggage of what doesn’t work or has consistently shown ‘it’s not there or it’s not working.’ Be a part of what ‘does work!’ Learn how! Be a part of the solution that a frees you!

One day at a time. Seek inner peace. Set your intentions on the positive and allow the releasing to begin!

Always with Love,


I’m here and available if you need me.
For private, non 800 dial in readings and pricing, email me at fairiemoonchild

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